Nisvasamukhatattvasamhita: A Preface To The Earliest Surviving Saiva Tantra
A Preface to the Earliest Surviving Saiva Tantra (on non-Tantric Saivism at the Dawn of the Mantramarga). Critical Edition, with Introduction & Annotated Translation and an Appendix containing Sivadharmasangraha 5?9.
Edited by Nirajan Kafle with a foreword by Dominic Goodall
Publisher Institut Fran?ais de Pondich?ry
ISBN 978-81-8470-237-8
The Yoga of the Matsyendrasaṃhitā A critical edition and annotated translation of chapters 1–13 and 55
A critical edition and annotated translation of chapters 1 – 13 and 55
Author Csaba Kiss
Publisher Institut Fran?ais de Pondich?ry / Ecole fran?aise d?Extr?me-Orient
ISBN 978-81-8470-239-2