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Two Saiva teachers of the sixteenth century : Nigamajnana I and his disciple nigamajnana II

$ 40.00

Nigamajnana I and his disciple Nigamajnana II

Author T. Ganesan

Publisher Institut Fran?ais de Pondich?ry

ISBN 978-81-8470-169-2


This book is a complete analytical study of all the oeuvres of Nigamaj?_na I and his nephew-cum-disciple Nigamaj?_na II. This study aims at bringing to limelight the great contributions made by these two teachers in the sixteenth century for the consolidation, elaboration and propagation of the _aivasiddh_nta religious system and philosophical doctrines. For the first time the contents of all the available texts of these two _aiva teachers in Sanskrit and Tamil, of which many are unpublished, are completely and critically analysed with a view to fully bring out the richness of these texts in their totality and their value in the propagation of _aivasiddh_nta during one of the most crucial periods in Indian history.