The volume contains 2 transcripts of oral teachings of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. The Practice Manual of Drugyalwa Yungdrung is divided into the Preliminary Prctices or Ngondro, the Main Practices, or Ngozhi, and the Ancillary Instructions or Yanlag. Within this volume the first teaching concerns the second text from the Ancillary Instructions known as Gomtri, abbreviated from the full title: Successive Instructions on the practice of the Clear Light according to the Experiences along the Path. The text is divided into 3 parts, which are: 1) The manner of the meditation on the Clear Light and the Continuation in the natural State, 2) The Manner of Purification of the Mind of the Practioner and all his Defilements, 3) The manner of the Arising of the inner Experiences and the other Visions of the Clear light. In the 2nd teaching the emphasis of the oral teachings of Rinpoche was on the 3rd part of the main practices, which deals with The instructions for the Practice of the Clear Light. The 3rd part of this chapter for the Development of Thogal Visions is divided into the dark retreat practice, the space or sky gazing practice and the practice with sunlight. These are generally known collectively as Dzogchen Thogal, although this term is not used in the Practice Manual as such. This 3rd main point is further divided into 3 subdivisions and the last one deals with Practices to Develop the Principal Practices, that is the various visions.