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Silence No Longer : Artivism of Ashmina

$ 50.00

Ashmina Ranjit

ISBN 9789937928830


Book Description:

With women and their lived experiences as her major themes – many people call Ashmina Ranjit a feminist. Her oeuvre includes paintings, installation and performance art and despite its very strong focus on ‘women’ as subjects, is not limited to it. She has effectively used art to magnify her voice about issues that she strongly feels for – issues ranging from oppression, the taboo issues of women’s identity, sexuality and menstruation but also environmental and hard political issues. Artivist is exactly what she is. Her sensitivity- matched by the range of themes, forms and mediums that she uses – create works of art that disturb people, push them out of their comfort zone, make them think, and spur them to act.

Book Details:

Author: Ashmina Ranjit
Pages: Fox Fine Textured Paper., pp. 163., Color Pictures.
Year: 2018
ISBN: 9789937928830
Publisher: Vajra Books
Binding: Hard Bound

Additional information

Weight 0.945 kg