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On Budddha Essence : A Commentary On Rangjung Dorje’s Treatise

SKU: On Budddha Essence : A Commentary On Rangjung Dorje's Treatise

$ 16.95

Authors : Khenchen Thrangu
Publisher : Shambhala
ISBN : 9781590302767


According to Tibetan Buddhist tradition, human beings’ true nature, or buddha essence, is the foundation from which all wisdom develops. In order to discover our buddha essence, the meditator needs to know how to meditate correctly and must properly understand the reasons for practicing meditation. We also need training in how the philosophy and practice come together in the development of insight.

In this book?with clarity, warmth, and humor?renowned Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Khenchen Thrangu explains buddha essence and how to discover it in ourselves by drawing on a classical text of the Kagyu lineage by Rangjung Dorje (the third Karmapa). On Buddha Essence will be of interest to practitioners of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg