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Colloquial Tibetan Grammar Book : Literay Tibetan Grammar Seven Cases, Idioms (Volume 3)

$ 22.00

Volume 1 & 2 | Volume 3

Author: Dawa Tsering
Publisher: Self Published
Binding: Paperback

Frequently Bought Together


Three Stories in Spoken Tibetan

Third volume cover

“Learning Tibetan language” turns into risky adventure with threat of getting losrt among inaccessible mountains and dangerous passes as our western mind has great difficulty, perceiving knowledge that has no analogues in our native language. Among many teachers I had already encountered by that time, Gen Dawa, the author of this book, possessed the most admirable quality: the ability to explain and structure. Learning from his book is a pure fortune.

Tamara Yonten,

A Tibetan language teacher

High school of economics institute of oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of sciences.
Tibetan course at the institute of Oriental studies of the Russian

Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Gen Dawa is a Tibetan language teacher at our institute. This book is a product of thorough research on Tibetan language for twenty four years. The book is exceptionally clear and comprehensive.

Ven Ngawang T. Gyatso President,

Manjushree Centre of Tibetan Culture, Darjeeling.

For Westerners, learning Tibetan language is difficult because there is no easy and straightforward mapping of grammar and syntax of Tibetan onto that of their language. In this respect Gen Dawa Tsering has developed an original, systematic and gradual way to present the grammar of colloquial Tibetan.

Prof. Paul Bernier (retired)

University de Moncton

This book does not conform to the conventional way of teaching Tibetan grammar. The book is a pioneering initiative of the author based on his vast experience. It is an excellent manual for those who wish to learn colloquial Tibetan systematically.

Gen Jigme Ugyan,
A Former Retired English Teacher

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Weight 0.95 kg