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Buddha’s Teachings : Being the Sutta-nipata or discourse collection

$ 20.00

Author: Lord Chalmers

ISBN: 9788130717302

Publisher: Cosmo Publications

Category: Tags: , ,


Buddha`s Teachings contains a metrical English rendering of an important Buddhist work in Pali named `Sutta-Nipata` with the original text in Romanized version on the opposite page. The Pali Canon, as it has come down to us, is divided into three Pitakas or `baskets`, viz. Vinaya-Pitaka Sutta-Pitaka and Abhidhamma-Pitaka. The Sutta-Nipata, translated here, contains an ancient, probably the most ancient, part of the Sutta-Pitaka. It belongs to that portion of the Sutta-Pitaka which is named Khuddaka Nikaya or `Collection of Short Treatises` as distinct from the four long Nikayas called Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta and Anguttara. Of the five Vaggas (or `books`) of the present Sutta-Nipata the fifth stands out from its fellows by reason of its purposeful unity. Whle the Uraga, Maha, Cula and Atthaka Vaggas consist each of a collectioin of independent and unconnected poems (sometimes interspersed with prose) called Suttas, the Parayana aims at a dramatic synthesis. Its prologue and epilogue serve as a setting to the sixteen Questions which elicit Gotama`s gradual exposition of the saving `Way Across`.

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Weight 0.85 kg