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Bon in Nepal: Traces of the Great Zhang Zhung Ancestors in the Himalayas The Light of the History of Existence

Original price was: $ 49.95.Current price is: $ 30.00.

Author: Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9788170263029
Publication Date: July 2013


Edited by Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov.

For many millennia, Yungdrung Bon has been practised in the remote mountainous regions of Nepal which once formed part of the ancient Zhang Zhung empire. Although the tradition’s fate fluctuated with the changing political tides, many aspects of this rich religious culture still survive today.

“Bon in Nepal” is the fruit of one Bonpo monk’s expeditions into these areas to uncover and document living traces of Zhang Zhung’s culture and religion. Illustrated with over 200 magnificent full colour photographs, this book opens a window onto the lives of Bonpos in Nepal today, gracefully combining Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa’s personal diary with his meticulous research to provide the reader with a moving yet accurate account.
By matching scriptural texts and historical documents with family histories and local folklore, Geshe Gelek is able to pinpoint several important sacred sites previously lost to us, and through “Bon in Nepal” we, too, can share his excitement as he discovers, for instance, the mountain hermitage of Zhang Zhung Nyengyud Dzogchen lineage master Ronggom Togme Zhigpo, or the ruins of Bonkor monastery.
This book also contains a wealth of information on monasteries, ngagpa centres, family shrines, lineages and rituals regularly performed today in the Bonpo enclaves.

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Weight 1.1 kg