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Bhutan Travelog (Travel Guide)

$ 34.99

A Bhutan travel guide with over 250 picturesque images of the world’s most exclusive kingdom.

Authors: Ashley Chen, Joni Herison
Publisher: Druk Asia Publishing
ISBN: 9789811887246
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 302


Until recently, Bhutan has been relatively unknown. In many minds, it is a mystical secluded place. Bhutan is gaining  popularity as a travel destination, owing to the credits of international media features and Bhutan’s skilful management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the past fifty years, Bhutan has gradually emerged from centuries-long self-isolation to meet modernisation  demands. It has been careful with its choices and decisions on the road of development and progression. While Bhutan  has opened its doors to the world, a ‘High value, Low volume’ tourism policy still guides the country to ensure  that its unique culture, identity and natural environment will continue to be protected from external influence.

Bhutan Travelog aims to provide readers with insights into the country’s history, values, customs, as well as travel tips  and recommendations. This book also includes 9 exclusive first-hand stories from diverse travellers who have been to  Bhutan to provide a glimpse into this idyllic country.

“If you ever seek to find answers to some of the fundamental questions in life, please know that there is a country somewhere in the Himalayas that could offer you the answers”

– Dasho Dr Lotay Tshering
Former Prime Minister of Bhutan

Ashley Chen

Ashley is an avid traveller who enjoys learning about the different creeds and cultures. Aside from her passion for  writing and photography, she is a curious wanderer with a philosophical streak, constantly seeking to discover more  about herself and the world around her.

She contributes to the Bhutanese society by sharing her expertise in the nonprofit sphere and serves as an  international consultant to the Gyalyum Charitable Trust in Bhutan. She is also the editor of Daily Bhutan, an  independent news outlet that brings the latest news, educational features and inspiring stories from Bhutan to a global audience.

Joni Herison

Joni has been involved in Bhutan’s tourism industry for more than a decade. He is the Managing Director of Druk Asia, one of the pioneering Bhutan tour operators outside of Bhutan. He has a deep love for the kingdom and has played a pivotal role in connecting Bhutan with travellers from all over the world. Joni has travelled to Bhutan over 30 times since 2008 and is a cherished friend of the kingdom who has built excellent rapport with the Bhutanese community.

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