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Tales of a Mad Yogi : The Life and Wild Wisdom of Drukpa Kunley

SKU: Tales of a Mad Yogi : The Life and Wild Wisdom of Drukpa Kunley

$ 19.95

Author: Elizabeth Monson
Publisher: Snow Lion Publications
ISBN: 9781611807059


The fifteenth-century Himalayan saint Drukpa Kunley is a beloved figure throughout Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal, known both for his profound mastery of Buddhist practice as well as his highly unconventional and often humorous behavior. Ever the proverbial trickster and ?crazy wisdom? yogi, his outward appearance and conduct of carousing, philandering, and breaking social norms is understood to be a means to rouse ordinary people out of habitual ways of thinking and lead them toward spiritual awakening.

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Weight 0.5 kg