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Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism

SKU: Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism

$ 36.95

Author : John Powers
Publication : Snowlion
ISBN : 9781559392822


This is the most comprehensive and authoritative introduction to Tibetan Buddhism available to date, covering a wide range of topics, including history, doctrines, meditation, practices, schools, religious festivals, and major figures. The revised edition contains expanded discussions of recent Tibetan history and tantra and incorporates important new publications in the field. Beginning with a summary of the Indian origins of Tibetan Buddhism and how it eventually was brought to Tibet, it explores Tibetan Mahayana philosophy and tantric methods for personal transformation. The four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as B?n, are explored in depth from a nonsectarian point of view. This new and expanded edition is a systematic

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Weight 0.92 kg