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Demons a Nepal Detective Story

$ 4.00

Arne Drews

ISBN 9789937933049


An important statue is stolen from aa temple in Patan. In his third case, Inspector Sanjit investigates systematic theft of cultural aartefacts in Nepal. He touches the religious myths of the Newar people and the challenges of reconstruction after the earthquake of 2015.

“Arne Drews’ third Nepal thriller also has much more to offer than just exciting entertainment. The book convets Nepalese ways of thinking and social resentment. With a love of detail, the author presents lifelike insights into a society that is bound to traditional thought and action, yet cannot escape rapid change. This is shown, among other things, in its handling of previously sacrosanct cultural assets. The novel is a textbook for understanding typical Nepalese behaviour.” Lhakpa Doma Sherpa, Freelaance Activist for preservaation of the Sherpa culture.

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Weight 0.3 kg