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Crystal Clear : Practical advice for Mahamudra Meditators

SKU: Crystal Clear : Practical advice for Mahamudra Meditators

$ 18.95

Author: Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Publisher: Rangjung Yeshe Publications
ISBN: 9789627341512


Crystal Clear, by the learned and realized Tibetan Master Thrangu Rinpoche, is a companion volume to the classic medi?tation manual?Clarifying the Natural State. In his straightfor?ward and lucid style Rinpoche gives us an indis?pen?sable guidebook for insight practice (vipashyana). For people who want more than just theory, this is a handbook that begins with watch?ing the breath and leads practitioners through stages of realization, all the way to complete enlightenment.

?In Mahamudra, as one takes the path of direct percep?tion, a per?son can obtain true and complete enlightenment within the same body and lifetime. Whatever the situation, Mahamudra provides appropriate methods and techniques. So, whether one is able to undertake a lot of hardship or not, whether one is very diligent or not, whichever type of person you might be there is always great benefit in practic?ing Mahamudra. The practice can be done in the solitude of retreat or while involved in the daily complexities of mod?ern life. Mahamudra training is always applicable in any situation, at any moment of life.?

?Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

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Weight 0.3 kg