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A Grammar of Limbu : Based on the Phedap Dialect of the Old Limbu Heartland

Original price was: $ 30.00.Current price is: $ 20.00.

Revised Edition with a new Appendix on the verb

Author: George Van Driem
Publisher: Jagadamba Prakashan
ISBN: 9789937598187
Pages: 722
Binding: Hardbound


This new grammar of Limbu details the structure of the conservative Phedap dialect of the language based on the author’s sojourns with the Payyangu family of Tamphula village in the early 198os. This augmented and enhanced edition expands upon the original Mouton de Gruyter edition, published in West Berlin in 1987, and includes new historical material on the Limbu people and Kiranti script as well an appendix on the verbal agreement system of Chulu, a closely related and largely undocumented Kiranti language. This improved Nepali edition of the Limbu grammar by Jagadambä Prakasan at Lalitpur was supported by a subvention from the Embassy of Switzerland to Nepal.

This cover photograph depicts the sacred Limbu mountain Phoktaglug, known in Nepali as Mount Kumbhakarna, at 7710 metres the world’s 32nd highest peak. Sacrosanct to the ancestors of the Limbu people, this mountain overlooks the northern reaches of Limbuwan. The picture was taken on 17 October 2022 by Elizabeth Andrews Byers.